



PM2 (Process Manager 2) 是JavaScript运行时Node.js的进程管理器。



  • private should be used when something is not used outside of a given class
    • for methods and fields - when they are used only within the same class
    • for classes - only on nested classes, when used in the same class
  • protectedshould be used when
    • for methods and field - when you need to make them accessible to subclasses only
    • for classes - again only nested classes, accessible by subcalsses
  • public is used when something is accessible by every other class

  • static is used when you don’t need an instance of a class (i.e. object) to use it:

    • for fields - when you want to have a global field
    • for methods - when you need utility functions that do not depend on object state
    • for nested classes - when you want to access them without an instance of the enclosing class.
  • abstract when you don’t want to provide implementations in the current class:
    • on methods - when subclasses have to provide the actual implementation, but you want to invoke these methods (no matter how they are implemented) in this class.
    • on classes - to denote that the class may have abstract methods.
  • final when you don’t want something to change.
    • on fields, when you want to assign the value only once. It is useful when you want to pass a local variable to an inner class - you have to declare it final.
    • on classes and methods - when you don’t want subclasses to be able to extend / override them.

